Five billionaires who gained most wealth in 2024
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.
The most devastating forest fire is spread across the Portuguese Madeira island situated in the Atlantic ocean. The local authorities report that the fire cause death of several people, and hundreds of tourists and residents have been injured.
The continental Portugal also suffers from forest fires. The total number of fire outbreaks amounts to 150.
The Portugal government asked the friendly nations to help it to fight the fire. Reportedly, Russia has responded to the request. On August 14, the Russian rescue aircrafts started off for Portugal.
Photo: the Portuguese observing the forest on fire.
Photo: the famous eucalyptus forest of Madeira is on fire.
Photo: the Be-200 amphibious aircraft owned by the Russian emergency ministry. Such aircrafts have been sent to Portugal.
Photo: Russian pilots and emergency response group getting ready for the flight to Portugal.
Photo: road signs caught by fire, Portugal.
Photo: a local citizen trying to fight the disaster.
Photo: a helicopter diffuses water over a burning forest.
Photo: the Portugese police officers evacuate residents of areas caught up in the fire zone.
Photo: a panoramic shot of Madeira
Photo: a war plane flying over smoke-filled region, Portugal.
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.