Top 5 locations for stargazing
Astrotourism is becoming more popular every year. People are willing to travel thousands of kilometers to admire the stars. But which places on Earth are considered the best for this? Let's find out now!
According to the statistics 9 of 10 people take the polluted air.
In the picture: one of the streets of Karachi (Pakistan).
The garland of victory in air pollution was given in 2012 to India. The University of South Carolina made the researches.
The ecologists of China compare the situation in Beijing to “nuclear winter”. The air of the Chinese capital contains the variety of toxic contents (many factories are evident in such a way). The situation worsens as the agriculture of China may suffer from slowing down process of plants photosynthesis.
The scientists explain the level of air pollution is so high because fossil fuels are actively burnt up in India. It's necessary for normal economical development of the country.
According to the data from the World Health Organization every nine death in the world is brought on the air completely unfit for living.
Flavia Bustero, WHO's assistant-director general, points out on the problem that dirty and toxic air continue to extinguish lives of the most unprotected groups of people. Women, children and old people afflict with it more than others.
In the picture: a child in one of the Bangladesh streets.
In 2015 thirteen cities of India got shortlisted in top-20 most polluted megapolisis.
At last check the supernormal air pollution in Hong Kong is fixed with increasing frequency (by 15% more often).
Even in European cities there's a problem of fresh air deficit. On medical evidence the polluted air is the cause of death of about 2500 people a year.
Astrotourism is becoming more popular every year. People are willing to travel thousands of kilometers to admire the stars. But which places on Earth are considered the best for this? Let's find out now!