Search results (8)
Great Race contest period
The contest consists of four steps and the final.Contest period:- 16.03.20 – 17.04.20;- 18.05.20 – 19.06.20;- 20.07.20 – 21.08.20;- 21.09.20 – 23.10.20.Registration time for each of the four steps:- 27.01.20 – 15.03.20;- 16.03.20 – 17.05.20...
Great Race prize fund
The prize fund in Great Race InstaTrade 2020 is 55,000 USD.The prize funds for the four steps of the contest are distributed among the winners in the following way- 1 prize – 3,000 USD- 2 prize – 2,000 USD- 3 prize – 1,500 USD- 4 prize – 80...
Requirements for the Great Race contestants
1. Owners of InstaTrade accounts can take part in all steps of the contest.2. Each participant should be registered on the InstaTrade website.3. The participants should provide authentic data upon registration, including the full name as it...
Special trading conditions for the Great Race contest
Trading conditions applied to accounts participating in Great Race 2020 are the following:1. A participant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 100,000 USD for all participants and cannot be ch...
Publication of the Great Race results
The results are published within a month after the contest final and after the company conducts all necessary verification procedures.
Determining the winners of the Great Race contest
1. All trades of the contestants are automatically closed at current prices at the end of each step of the contest.2. The owners of the largest deposits are declared the winners.3. If the results of the contest show that two contestants hav...
Receiving the prize won in the Great Race contes
1. The winners should open and verify accounts within 30 consecutive days after the contest results are announced.2. The prize funds will be credited to a verified live trading account of the client.3. The winner acknowledges that any activ...
Withdrawal of the prize money received in the Great Race contest
Prizes, unlike profits, cannot be withdrawn. The winner acknowledges that the awarded prize will be canceled in case of any withdrawal of funds.