Search results (4)
How to open a demo account?
Trading accounts
In order to open a demo account, you should:- follow the "For beginners" - Open Demo account section;- fill the form at the page by entering:* account owner's full name;* e-mail;* phone number;* country;* account currency;* amount of the ac...
How to open a live account?
Trading accounts
In order to open MT4 trading account, you should:- follow the "For traders" - Account opening section;- read the Public offer agreement and accept it by clicking on the "Accept terms of agreement and confirm that I an 18" button;- fill...
Account type change. Eurica/Standart
Technical questions
You can switch the type of your account from Standard/Eurica to Eurica/Standard in your Client Cabinet. To do this, you need to enter the login and password to your trading account opened with the InstaTrade company. In the menu of the Cabi...
How to change account type?
Trading accounts
You can change the account type in the Client Area in the Account Settings> Personal Information section.