Hasil Pencarian (1)
Ukuran Spread
Syarat trading
InstaTrade menggunakan spread tetap di seluruh instrumen trading kecuali untuk pasangan mata uang utama, selama periode likuiditas rendah (dari 23:30 hingga 03:00 waktu terminal), spread pada beberapa Forex Major bisa ditingkatkan hingga 10...
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (2)
Trading conditions
InstaForex uses fixed spreads on all trading instruments except of Major currency pairs, during the period of low liquidity (from 23:30 to 03:00 terminal time), the spread on some Forex Majors can be increased up to 10 pips;EUR/CZK, and EUR...
Forex education
Until now, talking about quotes, we have intentionally used only spot (current) Forex exchange rates to make our website easier to understand. However, a Forex quote consists of two rates (prices) - the sell rate (bid) and the buy rate (ask...