Hasil Pencarian (1)
Edukasi Forex
Scalping adalah metode trading diferensial yang dirancang untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dari perubahan harga kecil. Scalping dapat diterapkan di pasar mana pun, tetapi sangat efektif di Forex sebagai pasar yang paling likuid dan dinamis.Sca...
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (2)
This trading approach is used for gaining profit from intraday currency fluctuations. Some traders open more than 200 deals a day while holding a position open for just several minutes. Of course, the profit from each position is rather sma...
Types of strategies
There is no single opinion about the scalping trading strategy. However, more and more traders are getting interested in this method. Why does scalping look so appealing? Probably because it is one of the few ways to make a quick profit on...